Coming to Jesus: The Time is Now
Have you ever felt your heart be tugged or heard that voice inside telling you to evolve? God says to you, sis. Now is the time to look to Jesus. No matter where you are in life, Jesus is there for you all the time, and he’s going to hug you. He is there, ready to house you, when you’re stressed out over your troubles and in the best of health.
Life can often feel very overwhelming when there is so much commotion and upheaval around us, yet Jesus provides an unfathomable sense of peace in the middle of all the chaos (Philippians 4–7). As stated in Matthew 11:28–30, Jesus promises to bring peace into our lives and guide us toward a meaningful and purposeful existence, but we frequently find ourselves attempting to handle things on our own instead of seeking His assistance. So why wait any longer? Today, take the action. Look to Him for comfort. "Don't waste another moment."
You only need to believe in Jesus and accept His invitation to salvation if you're wondering how to get to Him. In Romans 10:9, the Bible states that "you will be saved if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord." things's not about having things all together or being flawless. It all comes down to choosing to direct your heart toward Him. And when you do, the trip with Him starts, and I promise you that it is a journey filled with grace, development, and meaning.
However, what about the errors you have committed? What are the regrets? What are you ashamed of? Jesus already knows. He wants to change you, and He loves you no matter what. The new creation has arrived for those who are in Christ, according to 2 Corinthians 5:17: "The old has gone, the new is here!" It is your Savior who defines you, not your past. All you have to do is accept the forgiveness He has already given you and begin living the new life He has planned for you.
My sister, the time has come. Are you ready for this one? Okay look, Let go of the idea that you should wait for the right time because Jesus is ready and willing to welcome you. You deserve to know how much the Father loves you and will always appreciate you! Embrace all the blessings that He has planned for you. It's for sure time to commit yourself to Jesus and walk in his footsteps without delay there's no moment than this present one.
Scripture References:
- Matthew 11:28-30
- Philippians 4:7
- Romans 10:9
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
Action: I’d love to know if you have decided today to follow Jesus. Tell your story and join the ObeyHimSis discussion. When we go on this spiritual journey together, we’re going it with each other. Together, let's grow in grace. Â